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this requires some explaination. FOR THE MOST PART I WOULD SAY ALMOST EVERY GIRL GET'S A BID IF SHE MAXIMIZES HER OPTIONS AFTER PREF ROUND OF RECRUITMENT. If you don't know what that means, they will explain at orientation and/or you can ask your rho gamma. But basically it means if you have 2 sororities left and you put XYZ as your number 1 and ABC as your number 2, you will MOST LIKELY recieve a bid from ONE OF THOSE CHAPTERS. Now there is no garuntee one of those chapters or even both of them were your favorites in recruitment! They might be your first, second, third, or even LAST choice! But you will wind up with a bid most likely, which is what you asked. Will it be a bid from your first choice though? who knows. hard to say. also, your first choice will probably change like 100 times during the course of recruitment. Should you get a bid on bid day, even if it's from a chapter that you think was your last choice, i would take it. My roommate got dropped from all of her favorites after the first weekend (and wouldnt talk to me after because i got invited back...oops) and she got a bid from her absolute last choice last year and at the advice of her rho gamma, she accepted it and is having an AMAZING time. Moral of the story, stick through both weekends of recruitment, maximize your options, give the chapter that extends you a bid a shot, try their new member period for a few weeks, i think you will be surprised. and if not you can always chose to leave before initiation.
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