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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />we need some change in the greek community<br /><br /> Poster Message:
First of all: This is not me succumbing to a shallow website in search of validation. I would personally just like to say that this website is a bunch of bologna and seeing that so many young ADULTS are still referencing something as illegitimate as an anonymous forum for an ego boost is really concerning. Get a job to pay for the dues that you’re making your parents pay for please. Read a book. This is one of the many reasons that Greek like is frowned upon by so many people outside of the Greek community. Please stop teaching our pledges that this is a point of reference bc it is most definitely not. Especially seeing that so many of you all a. Talk down to other houses b. Self rank yourselves and c. Provide inaccurate information 99.9% of the time.
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