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at this point every chapter (I’m pretty sure) has some form of list. that doesn’t mean if you’re not on a list you’ll get dropped from recruitment or from that specific house. members meet a lot of pnms the fall semester and might like them and send in their name to their recruitment team so people will know about them before recruitment. for certain chapters there’s more of a set list before recruitment and for others it’s more of a list of girls they like and might want to take. it really depends because obviously every chapter could love a girl and have her on a list but she won’t go back everywhere so the list changes, but usually less so for the chapters that more ppl want. so a list for some places might mean “they’ll probably join our house” and for others “we may want her look out for her during recruitment”. either way formal recruitment does matter bc lists can always change and again - for most chapters there’s not already a set list of everyone they’re taking (and being on any form of list doesn’t mean that you’ll know about it).
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