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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />final rankings as pc are final <br /><br /> Poster Message:
Semester coming to a close- with new PC's basically final, here is the ranking heading into the new year. Tier 1 DKE- Old SAE helping stay afloat. Some nice guys, A lot of douchey ones, but they throw the most parties. Pledges are split Pi and SAE, so we will see how that turns out. Their bar dropping rumor kinda scared some people but I think they will be fine and top for the time being. K Sig/KA I would put K Sig a tiny bit above KA but being on suspension will hurt them, and they are equal for time being. K Sig kinda has a weird pledge class, but they seem very tight overall. Usual weird/pothead but solid PC. KA ended up with the biggest PC on campus. Diverse mixture of guys. It's almost like you put a mix of SAE, K Sig, Sig Chi,SNu, and a couple ATO guys in one PC and made one. DKE, K Sig, and KA had strongest pledge classes this year. Sig Chi- Still top tier, but they had a very bad rush. Still ended up with some solid guys, but a lot of them ended elsewhere (DKE, K Sig, and KA). Even though their last tailgate of the year absolutely blew, they still have good sorority relations. Tier 2 SNu- After those top four, there is a BIG jump down to SNu. Weird PC, but they are better than the remaining fraternities. Don't know much about the rest, but this is just from what people tell me Tier 3 ZBT- rising, lost a few rushes. ATO Delt Tier 4 Pike Lambda
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