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7. ATO(Trending Down): There's not really much you can say about ATO. These guys are just mediocre. Their sorority relations have gotten markedly worse lately, and now they're mixing with below average sororities. Their events have also been pretty mediocre and under attended lately. Although they seemed like they were doing better with their on campus tailgates this semester, a lot of that clearly came from being one of the only fraternities not on suspension as their last one was markedly less attended with KA back on campus (the same effect can't be said about Sig Chi). They recruited pretty solidly this semester, but its clear that their new pc isn't anything special compared to the last two. They lost some kids to SNu, Sig Chi, and ZBT this year and presumably picked some up from Delt and Pike. ATOs tend to be from all over with an emphasis on the Midwest. While its hard to say that these guys have done anything wrong, the fact is that ever since going on suspension two years ago these guys have been pretty stagnant. Honestly, the only reason that they're even here is because, unlike the fraternities below, these guys don't just take anyone. They might have lower standards, but at least they have standards. While some might argue that Delt is better these days, I think ATO really just needs to find an identity or something to build around and they can improve. Right now, it seems like they're just being complacent when they should really be trying to better themselves. They have potential, but they need to begin to realize it instead of continuing to be in the painfully awkward position they are.
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