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Middle 4. Sig Chi(Trending WAY Down): The beginning of the semester was looking bright for SAE-lite. With SAE off campus this was truly their time to shine and take a seat atop the toppest of top tier. After what was a really good start to the year, Sig Chi really shat themselves. While they continue to mix with good sororities, sorority girls just don't show up to the Sig Chi house like they used to. Events at the beginning of the year were live, then they went on suspension and doubled down more on off campus stuff which ended up being just OK, and now they can't even fill up an on campus tailgate (even with the new 1:3 rule). It's honestly kind of pathetic how bad things have been getting here. These guys try to pretend that their events are exclusive (one of them literally carried a former SAE out of their tailgate at the beginning of the year) and now that the only people who show up are Sig Chis they really are exclusive. To top it all off, they started really strong with recruitment only to hemorrhage kids left and right to DKE, KSig, KA, and even SNu. I think they might've ended up taking some kids from ZBT and ATO this year, although I'm not entirely sure. Like every year, they try to trick kids into thinking that they're actually cool by immediately making their rush events "exclusive". And, as with every year, some of the smarter kids they fooled realize this and jump ship. What's leftover are the well-meaning kids who don't realize that they've been swindled and few guys who actually really buy into the whole DoucheCHI thing. These guys tend to come from pretty much anywhere in the country, although there seems to be a slight plurality of southern kids. Sig Chis are easily the biggest douchenozzles on campus and think they're way cooler than they actually are which is all the more annoying considering just how much these guys suck. Luckily, it seems like people are beginning to catch on to just how annoying Sig Chi is. As much as I hate to admit it, these guys do round up the top of Mid, sitting at #4, although it's a huge drop from where I would've said they were at the beginning of the semester. These guys are definitely trending WAY down as they try to cope with a lackluster pc and poor attendance at events among other issues. This is a ship that needs to be righted fast before things get worse, but honestly we'd probably be better off if it sank.
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