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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />non-biased rankings w descriptions<br /><br /> Poster Message:
There’s just a lot of self ranking on this site. I think if there was no self-ranking, wed probably get something looking like this: 1. DKE - this is actually more controversial than one would think. 3 different groups of guys who don’t get along and no upperclassmen representation. the old SAE is still there though and keeps it up top. 2. KSig/SigChi Two very different vibes, with KSig being crazy party animals and SigChi still having great parties, but definitely more we’ll-dressed and waspy. Sig Chi hasn’t had the best rush, but they are very much still up here despite other frats self ranking. Both self rank the crap out of themselves here though. 3.KA/Snu Also two very different vibes, KA being southern and wealthy with Snu being more northern and sweet. Both have very solid PCs coming up and we will have to see how it turns out. ATO/Zbt both seem to have stayed middle for a while. some have criticized recent ato social events and think they should be ranked lower but definitely have some cool nice guys in the house. zbt is a solid but mixed bag, very big stoners as well. Delt The sweetest of them all. Super nice and wholesome guys, but just can’t throw parties like the rest of em. pike big mixed bag- hard to characterize. throw okay parties and seem to have fun doing it. lambda just like any other frat that’s a year old, not good and struggling for members. This will be healed with time.
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