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It really doesn't matter too much what the administration does at this point. Greek life has been strangled here for the past ten years with excessive rules and unfairly harsh punishments. Vanderbilt Greek Life is already a shell of what it used to be and while it can never return to those old days (more academic classes has brought fewer kids interested in Greek Life and fewer "fratty" kids overall), off campus might be the reprieve Greek Life needs to sustain itself (as much as it can anyway - its already poised to inevitably die out in the next 10 years). Also since the admin prefers that frats stay on campus (so that they can provide direct oversight and protect the Vanderbilt "brand"), moving off campus could send a powerful message that Greek Life isn't going to tolerate their unfair treatment. By moving off campus (and formally dissociating), Greek Life could bypass university oversight and not have to pay anything to the university. As much as OGL likes to imply that off campus will get kids in trouble, the reaility is that Vanderbilt's jurisdiction doesn't extend to the rest of Nashville and their are no legal grounds for the university to punish any student for off-campus association. Of course losing the house and the safety net of VUPD would be major drawbacks - but as far as sending a message go there are many things in play that make off campus work. If this is ever going to work, the best time to execute would have been yesterday since each second lost is another fraternity kicked off and another stupid rule put in place (no porch tailgates). Obviously this most likely would never get organized, but frankly moving off campus are the last legs Greek Life can hope to stand on if it wants to continue to exist at this university.
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