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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />relatable guy colonizes sae<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I colonized SAE last night, no one was there it was so weird. Everyone is always like "oh, these guys always have parties". Literally went there last night, and colonized because there was no one there. So far I have brought two animals of every species into the house. They live in the chapter room. I have made tender love to a female of my choice and we have reproduced four kids who would have definitely gotten bids so its no harm to the SAEs (even though no one knows where they went). We are repurposing the main room for purposes related to survival, a place for agriculture, water, biological functions and a first aid-tent. Come thru Saturday night, my lover and I will be hosting what we call a "Jungle" themed party. Should be dank.
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