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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />rush info 2019<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Hey rushes this is the rush chair for KA (THE ORDER) and this is just some quick info that you guys should know now so that I dont have to go through it again when we are crushing brews at our place in the fall - you need to be southern (Chicago, LA, NYC, and any other big city outside the south is fine though - im actually from chicago (or at least a suburb outside the city but whos counting)) - you need to have sperries and know the history of our big cannon downstairs (yes its a real cannon) - you need to know about the legacy of phi delt on Vanderbilt's campus and you need to know to sing rocky top by the osborne brothers ... backwards - no cavemanning beers, jerseys at pong, black sweatshirts with your fraternity logo on it, and douchiness will not be tolerated - you can take a walk down the street for that - you cannot be overly confident, hated by the general population, and a two pump viargra using chump - read : SAE rush - you need to be relevant - go to aepi or beta if you're into irrelevancy
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