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Each house, for the most part, has advantages in some areas and disadvantages in others. Lambda and KDR - since they are pretty identical they can be classed together. The houses look great from the outside, have air conditioning, are brand new, etc. They don't have a basement though which is kind of a bummer TKE - Tke's house is pretty awful, not much to say there Kappa Sig - Easily the most unique looking house from the outside, big dining area, decent basement and pretty good sized yard. Definitely one of the cooler houses. Downside is its downhill, pretty far away from everything. Phi Psi - Very cool house from the outside, entrance is pretty grand, nice common room area. Downside is the house only has one single (for the president) and has a somewhat small basement. Spe - one of the uglier houses from the outside but has a huge basement large common room area and is the only house with all singles (I think). Sig chi - pretty average house in every sense Fiji - very cool looking house, with an interesting basement (lots of different rooms), solid common room area, bathroom stalls don't have doors which is pretty funny Chi Phi - Pretty small and boring, but they own their house so they can do whatever they want with it DU - hands down the best house in my opinion. They have the best basement, great location, big rooms, etc. If I had to rank them, I'd say DU, Ksig, Spe, Lambda/kdr Sig chi, fiji, phi psi, chi phi, tke All this is from what I remember from rush
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