
re: sorority rushing


As a parent with a daughter who wants to participate in Fall Rush, I find myself in disbelief to what I read and what I see. 1st - I sit and wonder how a Sorority can possibly judge 1700 girls based on a 5-10 minute superficial conversation?

2nd - Is my daughter being judged only by her looks and what she is wearing at the time? How does a Sorority truly know if she would be a good fit or not based upon 2 or 3 conversations?

3rd - I sit and read all the reviews and can't belief how Sororities are being reviewed and tiers determines more by the attractiveness of the latest Pledge class vs. community service - things that truly matter. Since when does rushing become a Miss USA contest?

4th - I sit and read the reviews as one Sorority bashes another. I thought this was College and not High School?

My daughter is beautiful on the inside and out and I truly do not want this for her. I will support her only because it is what she wants.

For the record, I am not the only parent extremely disillusioned by the entire UF Sorority Rushing process.

Posted By: Concerned parent
Page 7 of 9

Honestly I don’t think it’s about looks. I have a stunningly beautiful daughter who was cut from many of the top the first round. I think it’s more about playing the game right and knowing the right things to say. It’s a learning process

By: mtbw

Moms....let your daughters take care of their own business. If they don't like rush then let them drop..this is real life. Will you be calling the companies who don't hire them when they graduate and claim they are just concerned about looks? Will you be calling their bosses when they don't get a promotion? They are adults...this is real life. The child pageant years are over and you have no place in stepping in to try to make it the way you want it to be. Face it and move on while your daughter is at college.

By: seriously?
by: Yes   


By: Yes

You commenting do understand that if you take this protective Attitide with your girls you're just setting them up
For dissappointmemt in life right? Your daughter will be in a sorority where she fits and stop coddling. What ar you going to do when she applies for 100 jobs and only gets interviewed for 2 and doesn't get offered either? Get in the real world moms life isn't perfect and your perfect girls aren't perfect either and their perfect lives change too

By: Parent please

You sound like moms pissed that your daughter got cut from top sororitys. Why are you even on this page. Honestly getting cut from too
Isn't the end of the world and sometimes a good thing. Get out of your kids lives and let them decide and it they don't make til that's probBly not where they belong And honestly that means nothing. The important thing is they end up in a group that they like and like them. Everyone things their kid is the best but there is always someone better...that's just the world so deal with it.

By: Well...

Please rest assured that this website is truly the dredges of the Greek community. I am a recent alumni of a house I absolutely adored my time at. Throughout my time in the Greek community, rarely would people bring up this site. When they did it was met with a reaction of “oh you go on there? That site is horrible.” I got in here tonight because I miss my house terribly and wanted to see what was going on during recruitment.

Your daughter will be judged on presentation, but she will also be judged on a whole other host of things. I say presentation because that’s the quality that is judged—her style, how she carries herself, the way she speaks, as well as her natural beauty. In my chapter at least, many women would break down in tears while scoring because it feels so horrible to judge other women. Above all the women in the chapters are looking for new friends. If they can see themselves being friends with this girl, then they will give her a good score. It’s not a beauty pageant. In my chapter we tried to keep superficiality to an absolute minimum to make sure that the girls we got were not just pretty, but kind, smart, funny, and graceful.

The rushers are also trained for weeks on how to create good conversations that help them get to know the PNMs as much as possible in a short time. By the time they reach prefs, they will talk to a member for an hour.

Please please please do not judge the Greek life at uf based on this website. It is truly the worst of what I have experienced in my sorority. I have met genuine, wonderful, lifelong friends in my sorority. My experience at uf has been so greatly improved because of my house and I know your daughters will too. No matter what house she ends up at, they are all very similar when the fanfare of recruitment is done. There are hundreds of different women of all types of personalities in each sorority where she is sure to find a great group of friends.

By: It’s better than thissite

This site gives a very skewed perspective on sorority life. So if this is where parents are getting their information from then the whole outlook is flawed.

If parents want to be truly helpful they can tell their daughters to be open to all the possibilities, not just "top tier" sorority houses.

Life is like that too. If you ignore all the guys who aren't perfect tens etc, you might miss out on that perfect guy FOR YOU.

Life isn't about tiers.

By: galgal

Why complain about a 'dysfunctional process' on a 'dysfunctional website?'

If your daughters dropped because they couldn't bear the thought of a lower tier sorority, then they were in rush for the wrong reasons to begin with.

Lower tier is every bit as fun, with just as solid and enduring friendships as upper tier.

That's really all that matters.

If you're in it for the prestige, then don't complain if your qualities weren't prestigious enough!

By: galgal

How do you ALL not know sororities are simply social clubs with a pecking order? I mean really you are surprised it’s all about looks?
Well it is plus wealth grades and connections.
I’m stunned you mothers don’t know this.

By: Lighten up

So many mean girls on here.

By: UF Mom

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by: Please    

Stay out of your daughters rush experience and please understand that all sororities are good here. Yes there is a tier system but I would MUCH rather be in a lower tier house than no house at all.

By: Please

Bump. Bump bump

By: Truth

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