
need opinions on adpi


I am going to be a first year at UVa in the fall, and definitely plan to rush in the spring. I don't know a ton about the specific chapters here, other than what I've read on this site, which I take with a grain of salt. That being said, I am, I believe, a legacy for ADPi. My great-great-great grandmother was in the first chapter of Alpha Delta Pi in 1851, (Originally called the Adelphean Society) and since then nearly every female family member who has rushed has joined ADPi. It would mean a lot to my family for me to join as well, but I've heard mixed things about this chapter at UVA. What are some honest opinions on this sorority here?

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Honestly, the only thing that matters is that you join the sorority that you fit in with the best. It's very nice that you're a legacy and that will ensure that you at least get past the first round with them, but the most important thing is that you genuinely like the girls that are there, as you're going to have to spend the next four years with them.

Taking myself for example, I had three houses when I got to Prefs and one of them was ADPi. Looking back now, I am actually so glad that I didn't wind up there--not because of their reputation or the tier system or any of that-- but because I realize that my personality probably wouldn't fit in with them based on the girls there whom I've gotten to know more intimately. From what I've observed, they're more quiet and reserved and that is not at all me. If you go through rush and you feel that you may not be happiest there, I guess in the end you're going to have to weigh how your family feels against where you feel you truly belong.

By: @!

since you asked for it my honest opinion is that adpi isn't good here. bottom tier or maybe bottom of the middle tiers. kinda boring, kinda weird, and not all that attractive. ......but if you rush and like the girls, then you should join regardless of the rep. tiers are stupid.

By: honest.

My best friend and some other girls I know at UVA are ADPi and they love it. So go through rush and see where you fit in best!

By: fellowfirstyear

Personally, I love ADPi. One of my roommates is in ADPi so I've met and gone out with a bunch of them, and they're great girls. The girls I've met are kind, outgoing, involved, and smart. But ultimately it's about where you fit in and where you feel comfortable. If you feel most comfortable in a different sorority, you should try to pledge there! But please don't let anyone's negative opinions turn you away from a sorority you like.

By: truth

Idk where all the "weird" comments are coming from. The girls I know are all really involved in CIOs outside of Greek life. It's true they're probably lower middle tier and some of them are a little more reserved (one of my roommates last year was ADPi and she could be a bit of a wallflower) but bc of her I also know a decent number of ADPis that aren't like that and they've got their share of wild ones too. From what I know ADPi definitely had some loose screws and questionable classes up until like 3-4 yrs ago but now they seem to be trying to get rid of that rep. I'd say when you go through rush try to stay focused on the youngest girls you talk to bc that's the direction the house is probabaly heading more towards.

By: @@!

In the bottom tier. Not generally very exciting or fun, but they are nice and have a strong sisterhood. Not the best looking either, but they do dress up well (then again, this is UVa, even the fug girls dress up right).

By: yoho

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It seems to me like they have made big improvements in recent pledge classes. Tier-wise, they're around the lower middle for sure, but the younger girls (particularly the most recent pledge class) seem to be shaking the "quiet" rep they've had for a while. I'm friends with a handful of second year ADPis, all of which are really cool and far from reserved or unattractive, but the older girls definitely hold that rep. It seems like they're on their way up, but to be honest the tier system is pretty outdated and overrated so that shouldn't be a factor in your decision. Meet them for yourself and then decide!

By: personally

DO NOT pledge a sorority because it would mean a lot to your family. This is
YOUR college experience, not theirs. Go through rush with an open mind
and judge each chapter for yourself. You may love ADPi or it might not be the
sorority for you. If you choose a sorority to make others happy I promise you will
make a huge mistake!

By: truthfully

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