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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />thinking of dropping<br /><br /> Poster Message:
i'm a freshman and idk i didn't end up with my top house after rush, decided to stick it out anyways. not to say there hasn't been good times and i haven't meet good people but in general i just feel like its no longer worth it. i'm putting in so much time and effort meeting the requirements, i dont enjoy attending the events, i barely eat at the house, etc. i'm paying thousands and i can't say i have genuine friends here either. everyone is super cliquey, it almost feels like 13th grade again. i keep telling myself it's better to be in greeklife and not enjoy it than be a geed and feel even worse left out, but idk if its true anymore. it's like everything i was promised during rush was just lies to get me in, and now they don't care about me anymore. i'm not sure i could honestly pretend to love my house when rushing the new girls so would it be better for me to just drop? how do i even go about doing it? is it gonna be awkward running into my ex sisters after? will i have nothing to do without greek life? genuinely need some advice please
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