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One thing

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If the PNM continues to return to all the parties she is invited back to thru the pref round and she lists each sorority where she attended prefs., she is considered to have maximized her options and she should receive a bid to one of the sororities she preffed. If she is invited to only two pref parties when she could have been invited to 3, she has still maxed HER options if she lists her two choices on her MRABA. Same with the PNM who only has one invitation. But it matters how she lists them. Let me use this analogy: say your daughter visited Harvard, UF, and UNF. What is her goal? Does she want to go to college ( be a sorority member) or is she only willing to attend certain colleges ( join only a top tier sorority) ? If she decides that it is top tier or nothing, then she has narrowed her choices and greatly restricted the odds that she will be successful. I mean, people do get into Harvard, but far more applicants don't get in. If she applies to Harvard and UF her chances have increased and if she adds UNF to the mix, then she has increased the likelihood that she will be accepted by one of them. If this were your daughter, and she only wanted Harvard and refused to go to college unless it was to Harvard, would you support her decision? I imagine few parents would. You all know that she will get a good education at any of of the 3. It will be different at each school but the end result is a college education and a degree. The same can be said for the sororities.
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