

by: Agreed

Require your Sorority to have a January Independent Audit of ALL finances. This will require current Sorority Officers to defend their actions or be charged with financial impropriety before they graduate in May.

An annual $500- $1 million house budget is too much trust/money to place on 20-22 year olds.... An average initial audit finds 5-10% budget improprieties. There are too many Sorority Officers wearing designer suits on a college student’s budget.

Posted By: Agreed
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Page 6 of 9
#51  by: Hey   

We, our pledge class got hit with add-on dues this week as well. It SUCKS.

Just because fees.....

By: Hey
by: YeahSep 15, 2014 3:15:11 AM

It sounds like Greek life isn't for you.

By: Yeah
#52  by: wtf   

Greek Life, YES.

Fraud, Embezzlement and Corruption, NO.

By: wtf
by: I'm just sayingSep 15, 2014 1:10:40 PM

that you definitely didn't know what you were getting into. Everyone with any idea how Greek life works, knows that you're gonna have to pay assessments (TX/OU, T-shirts, etc.) with your dues. It's just how it works. Luckily the whole "Fraud, Embezzlement and Corruption" (which for some reason you capitalized) aren't actually an issue. This isn't the US government.

By: I'm just saying
#53  by: Audited Fees   

Read all the posts in this thread. There have been several dues skimming crimes/events so far this year at UT Chapters.

If there is no independent annual audit, there is no true accounting on how dues are actually spent or taken by corrupt Chapter Officers.

By: Audited Fees
by: HahaSep 15, 2014 2:31:16 PM

Bro you are so obsessed. It's kinda pathetic that you take solace in trying to belittle the Greek community. Oh, and just to nip your almost constant retort in the bud, I'm not an officer. I am literally just a regular chapter member that actually knows how Greek life works.

By: Haha
#54  by: helpful   

Actually, these posts have proven to be helpful. Several fraternities have given their officers the shakedown over excessive dues.

Hopefully, annual audits and lower dues will soon follow.

By: helpful
by: YeahSep 15, 2014 10:52:42 PM

Except that isn't even remotely true.

By: Yeah
#55  by: $uccess $isters   

Has anyone had $uccess with adding an annual audit this year.
If so, $pill. We need creative ideas to push this measure through our Chapter.

By: $uccess $isters
#56  by: Good Luck   

Much luck to all the Chapters that are raising and voting upon adding an annual Independ Audit of all Chapter expenses at tomorrow nights Chapter Meetings.

Several Chapter Treasurers have been replaced this semester for $500 - 5,000 worth of embezzlements.

By: Good Luck
by: YeahSep 21, 2014 11:53:56 PM

That isn't even remotely true.

By: Yeah
#57  by: wtf   

Read the posts on this thread.
Yeah, I know of two Treasurers replaced...

By: wtf
by: YeahSep 22, 2014 3:34:32 PM

Name which sororities/fraternities replaced their treasurers then.

By: Yeah
by: ^Sep 22, 2014 4:07:38 PM

They're not gonna give you an answer because it isn't the truth, though i bet they'll try to hide that under the guise of "not wanting to reveal personal information" or some other farce. This person is just a troll that very clearly isn't involved in Greek life at UT.

By: ^
#58  by: ^ run ^   

Run you dirty crooks run.

The Chapter and its alumnus have a Long memory. If you rip - off the Chapter, good luck in getting a job in Texas.

By: ^ run ^
by: IsSep 23, 2014 12:01:14 AM

this your first time using a computer?

By: Is
#59  by: Okay   

This is very clearly one person writing almost all these posts. They use bizarre and inappropriate capitalization everywhere, they have the same cadre of buzz words and phrases they repeat over and over again, and they write in an almost robotic prose.

By: Okay
by: YeahSep 22, 2014 9:49:01 PM

It's pretty obvious that there's just one person trying to stir up trouble or defame Greeks. There's also the fact that every single time that someone has asked them to back up their ludicrous claims they just completely ignore it. This dude is legit crazy.

By: Yeah
#60  by: ^ Chapter Crooks ^   

Keep talking guys....

We will catch and prosecute you.

By: ^ Chapter Crooks ^

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