
Recruitment Scoop


Meant to post yesterday, but too tired. Heard rho gams in the thick of gossip drama. Guess they didn't see me. One pnm was dropped by nearly all groups and they couldn't believe it. They kept talking about her and saying she has it all going for her. One said it has to be jealousy. The other was speechless. They kept going back and forth. One said she could have been in any of the groups even the top. One rho gam looked extremely disappointed and was without words. She was like what do you say to someone like that? Especially when you know there is not an honest reason. They said you can't even tell her she might be picked up later because she was dropped immediately. There was more of a rant, but you get the point.

Posted By: Pnm
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This is why being judged by a few girls in 20-25 minutes is just wrong. No one should be dropped by that many groups in the first day. I say jealousy on that one.

By: Proof
by: active   

Coming from an active I will tell you I am not a fan of judging someone on a quick conversation. Round 1 should either be longer or over two days so that actives and pnms can talk more. Both sides deserve to see if there is a good fit. I am so tired of choosing a new member just because she is a blonde or any other stupid reason.

By: active
by: eagle001   

I hope that pnm that was cut is reading this or any pnm cut for that matter. I was sick over how pnms were chosen in my group and I should have posted this right away, but didn't. If you were blonde and had a pulse you were given an edge. It was like everything else was tossed out. It started with looks and ended with blonde hair passes you through. Just look at the NMC pics and you can see that. I know we released some great pnms. Not cool.

By: eagle001

I bet this was the girl in my group. It was a mini drama.

By: Fyi

I put the reason as jealousy. So many of these girls lack confidence and can't even communicate. If a pnm comes in that is a complete package they feel threatened.

By: greek
by: probably   

I bet she wasn't a blonde. They will choose a rough blonde over a brunette any day. She can be rough in the face and thick, but if she is blonde she gets picked over the brunette every time.

By: probably

Sororities that chose based on superficial reasons usually get the girls who end up blowing off being involved or drop, staying long enough to get the cute bid day pics but not really wanting to invest in the house. Not mad at it


Most groups that select members for bs reasons may look good, but they have a crap reputation. They just party and are one small post high school clique. They don't mix with other groups because they aren't friendly and they don't have an all-around respected sorority. They can't keep the entire pledge class because pledges see it's not worth the money and time. They either drop or transfer.

By: GDI2

If most of the chapters dropped a certain PNM, there was a reason, especially if she appeared to be “the whole package”.

By: PNM dropped
by: ?   

Always love comments like this. There was a "reason." It's code for we really don't have a reason. Unless a girl has a crap reputation from high school, has done a current member wrong, super grade risk, or just lame personality there is no reason every group drops a person. Good try.

By: ?
by: XPNM   

I went through recruitment this week. I did not accept a bid. I can tell you four groups had members that couldn't even carry a conversation with me. They were voting on me, but couldn't even talk or make me feel comfortable. I had to take the lead. How could they even vote when they couldn't talk? If any had a reason to drop me so be it. I actually feel for the pnm that was dropped by all groups. Hope she doesn't take it personally because I saw firsthand how crappy day 1 was with many of these groups. It was an uncomfortable mess.

by: XPNM   

@pnm dropped you are in college, please learn how to properly use quotation marks at the end of a sentence.


I feel like expectations were not realistic for 20min conversations. PNM not considering other groups for the same superficial reasons that dropped them for nonsense reasons. Pots calling the kettle black. Just saying. Your loss.

By: GDI4
by: Cool   

Do you know they didn't consider them? Maybe they did. Maybe some pnms tried on day 1 or day 2. Maybe they just didn't feel right and it didn't gel. Don't assume. Maybe they didn't want to take a spot from another pnm that may have wanted that group more. Maybe that was your group and it's just better they are not in it.

By: Cool

Love to know why sororities drop pnms for whatever reason and that's ok, but if a pnm wants to drop sorority for whatever reason it isn't?

By: Suzz

Have you looked at the new member classes? They have to be the weakest group I have seen in the last couple years. Out of shape, unattractive, and just plain. Don't feel bad if you didn't get picked up. Just look at them. Can't believe that's the best at FGCU.

By: Sam

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by: 1234   

Bit harsh on that comment, but they are bland. There's always next year.

By: 1234

To everyone that was dropped, you now have an invitation to consider COB with the very groups that did not think you were good enough the first time; and everyone will know you were not at bid day. Congratulations!

By: nola
by: boothe   

More than half of the groups are looking for new members.

By: boothe
by: lulu   

Really classy Zeta, but do expect that from some of them

By: lulu

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