
the real rankings

by: Real Tiers

Sig Ep/ATO/Phi Sig

Beta/ AEPI/Sigma Nu

Sigma Pi/Dtd/ZBT

DG/APhi/Pi Phi



Tri delt/G Phi

Posted By: Real Tiers
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#1  by: So Close...   

I completely agree with this except for Beta. With everything that has happened this year I'm not sure if they should stand that high. Hopefully they recover though.

By: So Close...
by: noApr 20, 2014 11:40:45 PM

beta should definitely be upper mid tier. I would switch sigma nu and sigma pi though. and everyone knows that axo is down with adpi they're practically one sorority.

By: no
#2  by: Mu Delta   

Where is Mu Delta. I'm not in that house but I feel they are on the come up. Solid guys and not IFC, but they're involved with Philanthropies. I think they should get recognition

By: Mu Delta
#3  by: Not quite    

Sig ep/ATO
Phi sig

Beta, aepi
Sigma pi, sigma nu


Pi phi




By: Not quite
by: noApr 12, 2014 2:49:08 PM

DTD is for sure on the same level, if not slightly higher than sigma nu/sigma pi

And I feel most people would put alpha phi BELOW pi phi.. especially after this quarter

By: no
by: noApr 20, 2014 11:42:31 PM

yes to the frats, swap aphi and pi phi especially since theyre on sopro. and why arent axo and adpi on the same level? and same with gphi and tridelt?

By: no
by: MostlyApr 26, 2014 5:20:37 PM

Agree but switch a phi and pi phi. Put sig pi, sig nu and DTD on the same level. Otherwise spot on

By: Mostly
#4  by: Umm   

Agreed. Except switch Pi Phi and Aphi.

By: Umm
#5  by: coachella   

The hottest 10 girls in one of the top 3 ^^^sororities are just as hot as the hottest 10 girls in another top 3 sorority. So, as for looks, they are pretty even. The sorority that is the most outgoing and least standoffish is the best. I say they are all outgoing, and all standoffish so its tough to say.

By: coachella
by: @mmmkApr 18, 2014 6:59:25 PM

......aphi and dg are most standoff-ish

By: @mmmk
by: ummmApr 19, 2014 12:04:42 AM

pi phi is a lot less standoffish than dg and aphi...

By: ummm
#6  by: The problem   

Our Greek system is messed up. The fraternity men are the ones that really control the rankings, but they are nowhere near open minded enough to consider that MAYBE the middle and lower tier sororities are worth their time. Take axo and Adpi for example, both these house are verry similar in looks to those in kappa and theta, yet they don't get nearly the respect they deserve just because they may have had problems in prior years. I'll even put g phi in with them. They are considered bottom tier but they have made huge improvements in both looks and sisterhood. If the fraternities just opened their eyes and made it fair by having tgs with all houses, ranking would be massively changed. Give everyone a chance. We aren't in high school anymore people!

By: The problem
by: actuallyApr 18, 2014 6:01:30 PM

Totally agree surprisingly ^^

By: actually
#7  by: lol   

Aphi/Dg/pi phi



With AXO being on so-pro first quarter, they haven't been on anyone's radar this year. Same with kappa, no so-pro, but they really haven't done anything.

By: lol
by: HahahaApr 28, 2014 1:36:44 AM

Written by an adpi for sure

By: Hahaha
by: so falseApr 28, 2014 1:39:39 AM

Aphi should not be placed higher than pi phi let alone dg. They care the most about trying to be 'top house' yet they haven't been there since I've been around, especially now that they're on sopro this quarter.
Also since when is ADPi above Kappa.... even placing them above axo is a stretch.
Just no.

By: so false
by: LOLMay 13, 2014 7:35:53 PM

this is laughable, ADPi should be down there with GPhi and TriDelt

by: opinionMay 25, 2014 7:44:52 AM

If you really think about it Kappa, Theta, AXO, GPhi, and ADPi are pretty much equal except for the names. I'd say that Tri Delt is still noticeably lower.

By: opinion
#8  by: My opinion   

At this sad time we should not be talking about which house is better. All of us should be bonding together to help each other get through this terrible time. Love and prayers to Tri Delt.

By: My opinion
by: yesMay 25, 2014 10:49:07 AM

^ This

By: yes

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