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Top houses get the girls with the best grades, involvement, rep, and social status from the best schools/best girl out of random schools. At Ole Miss many of these girls come from money, although a lot of upper middle class too. Some groups value certain things over others, some go for best all around types, it just differs. But if you compare resumes from high school and college, or go back and ask people about a girl in high school, top houses pledge strong girls that have a name everyone knows (sometimes its negative but people always hate those succeeding) while lower chapters pledge middle of the road girls. Weak girls don't get a bid at Ole Miss. Our lower tier is average girls, not terrible ones. Once in their chapters top girls keep their sororities strong on campus through grades, involvement, winning events/philanthropy, and all around presence on campus that others can't compare to. Kappa and Phi Mu specifically do these things, just not as strongly as the traditional big 4 houses here. Like someone said above, DG is on par with the top 3 in many ways, but slightly below in some, but still above Kappa and Phi Mu.
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