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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />descisions descisions...<br /><br /> Poster Message:
So Im a senior guy in highschool, and I was looking to attend college in San Diego, of course sdsu, and basically I have a friend who's in a sorority(I forget which one) and she says that you pretty much won't party unless you're in a frat. Which totally blows. Because I'm goin to a two year down there before heading into sdsu, but she told me about some open college thing? Where I enroll and take general Ed in sdsu and whatever else in Mesa or city. I would like to rage from time to time haha. Still figuring out what my best options are, she said she could see me in Phi Kap and Sig Ep? So idk if that's a good thing or not haha, but I would really appreciate clarity on this whole open college thing. MUCH APPRECIATED.
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