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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Advice for PNMs - UCF Fall 2023 Sorority Rush đź’—<br /><br /> Poster Message:
1. The first rule, of all rules. Be yourself. You want to be authentically yourself so that you find the sorority that loves you for you and you’re in your correct home. 2. Social Media Rules / Following Sororities Be mindful of what sororities you’re following. We will 100% check. If you’re only following “top” sororities, that is a major red flag to us. If you’re only following a handful sororities we will believe you already have an idea of where you want to go. When I went through recruitment I only following @ucfpanhellenic to emphasize that I am open to all houses. Another way of showing this is following all 12 of our sororities. If you chose to follow only one, or a small few, you’re hurting your chances with other sorority. Some other general social media rules are: • No pictures with alcohol, big no no. • No extremely inappropriate pictures. • Nothing extremely controversial. • Do not post about your “favorite” or “least favorite” sororities on social media. Do not discuss it at all. 3. Trust the process. Sorority recruitment is designed to provide opportunities for you to get to know the chapters and for the chapters to get to know you. At times, this process can seem chaotic and you may question how decisions are made. Feel free to ask questions but remember this process is tried and tested. It works, so trust the process. 4. Be prepared. You’ll need a bag with food, comfortable shoes, make up, water, a portable phone charger and much more. It’s a long day and you want to be prepared. 5. Don’t speak about this process. This process is exciting and you’re going to want to tell everyone but, it’s best if you don’t. Speaking negatively of a sorority can rub others the wrong way even in other sororities. If we hear that you didn’t like or did like certain houses, it isn’t a positive. Make sure you’re keeping your choices quiet.
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