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waste your time at any house beside Fiji, SAE, Pi Kapp, Pike, and Sigma Chi. All the other houses suck. Delta Chi will throw a lot of parties at the beginining of the year to lure rushees because they can't have an IFC rush. The other houses are all a toss up and you should go where you fit in. FIJI are the rich, good looking guys from scottsdale, oldest fraternity of campus. To get a bid you have to have money and be good looking SAE are the southern california kids who rage pretty hard. Have to have "cali-swag" and be good looking. Pi Kapps are the athletes, get in trouble a lot, but are one of the best on campus, they had the best fall PC in 2011-2012. To get a bid from here you have to pull and be chill. Pike is the most up and coming house, older kids are goobers, but their freshman and sophomores are pretty hot and cool, need to have good grades and play sports to get a bid Sigma Chi a lot like FIJI but from everywhere, don't haze, have a strong brotherhood, losing theirhous
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