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Hey bro i'm a brother in one of the aforementioned fraternities, here are some tips to get bidded in the winter. 1. Wear sperrys even if it is winter (even with jeans) 2. Talk about your sperrys and how much they stink. 3. Wear a hollister hoodie (it screams class and modesty) 4. Talk about how much you participated in ECs during highschool BESIDES sports 5. Bring gifts for the brothers. Nothing screams FRAT then you giving us all capri-sun juice boxes 6. When you arrive make a joke or grab attention (e.g. say "Elvis is in the building") 7. Stand in the corner of the house, let us come to you. 8. Sunglasses actually are the new thing and TF; wear them. 9. Text at least one brother everyday during winter rush. 10. Add all of us on facebook and msg us with witty banter 11. Bring some blu-rays to rush events and ask if we want to sit back and watch "Dodgeball" 12. Make jokes about sorority's we mix with. 13. Act too cool for us. We will want u more. 14. Make a rap for us.
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