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Poster Name:
2 Poseurs

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />top three? sorry, no. stop it.<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Just because people write lies and try to force feed them to others does not make them at all valid. The rankings here are a JOKE. Certain houses are deluded and have been for years. Every single Greek, alumni of USC, and incoming PNM's all know the deal here on the row. No matter how hard these desperate girls and their desperate alumnae keep pushing, USC has always been a Top 4 school. When and WHO decided it was a Top 3? WHO chose the three houses? There are not four middle houses, not at USC or ANY University. The four houses are not remotely close in quality, or popularity or USC history, ergo not to be lumped together by some insecure girls in the new Top 3, which does not exist. Who exactly do you think you are fooling? Not the girls about to rush, not their parents, not the fraternities, so..... who? There are four top houses here always have been. Your nonsense blathering and classless hating just proves it even more. No love lost at USC for each other, and no respect for your own house either. I know what houses I wanted and pledged one. I know what houses my friends and their families consider top, and it's the same now as it was when my Mother was a greek. So grow up and enough with the power play. It's not working. Certain houses here have influence and prestige that the others will never have, not ever, no matter what they write on this pathetic anonymous site. It's only the opinion of the REAL WORLD of USC that matters. So, to the Poseurs, stop now.
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