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Yep! This site is probably not the best place to look, but it is amusing. Positive remarks are probably self-ranking and negative remarks are from girls who were cut by that house or are in a social-climbing wannabe house. The best insight you have as a sophomore is from what you observed from girls in your dorm who were in houses -- who dropped after getting bids/during pledgeship, who got snap bids, who seemed happy, etc. I am in a house but I learned a lot about the other houses from the girls on my floor and I thank my lucky stars I am where I am. The hard part about rush as a freshman is you have so little time in each house (15 minutes on convo day!!) to really form a good opinion. Look at the Facebook pages, websites, Instagram, Twitter, etc. It's marketing, but it still gives you a feel. Also, try to find the USC Greek Awards list -- USC gives something to every chapter, but it gives you an idea who is excelling in what area. Some sororities really excel with their philanthropy on a national level -- I know a lot of the USC chapters are highly ranked with their nationals for their fund-raising and volunteer activities. That info should be on national websites. Good luck!
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