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DG: mix of blonde party girls (CABOOOO), pretty but with dorky sense of humor girls, a few leadership types that find their way onto exec positions (Christian, PHC, etc. involved), legacies. With such a big house I'd say 30% are really attractive and they put them out there the most for rush, deliveries, etc., the rest could be middle or lower tier easily. Voted most likely to wear neon Kappa: skinny JAP-y girls, lots of theatre girls (also lots of theatre girls in DG but somehow DG girls in theatre aren't too good looking), exclusive, ironically hipster (Coachella girls). Voted most likely to wear their sorority tote bag to a funeral Theta: legacies, lots of mousey girls or one color girls (their hair and skin color are the same), singers and dancers, like to be goofy in pictures/dress up in funny costumes, quieter about repping their house than dg/kappa (except their backpacks are everywhere). Voted most likely to blend into a crowd Alpha Phi: very made up, ambitious, something to prove, social, very in your face. Was the girl in high school who made it onto homecoming court but didn't win queen, let's just say. Put together but not fawned over so they try to improve. Lots of pride. Voted most likely to marry rich Pi Phi: hipster girls mixed with all-American types, very California (Brandy, Nasty Gal, etc.), if they were a season they would be summer. Laid back, maybe a little blasé. Athletic. Most likely to be from Orange County
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