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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Frat Descriptions<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Does anyone have general descriptions of some of the fraternities? I’m a pretty standard guy. I’ve played sports all my life, into betting, like to drink. To describe me more, I wouldn’t call myself the stereotypical “frat guy” you see in movies. I’m social and what people would consider “cool”, but I do care about school and don’t want to be going out more than like 4 times a week. Looking to find a house who has people with solid morals, have fun and have a good social ( hang with sororities, have events), but aren’t full of douchebag guys who prioritize a girl’s looks over everything and put themselves on a pedestal. Overall, looking for a group who likes to have a good time and are social people but aren’t full of arrogance. Help me out!
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