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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />A message for all houses (top, bottom, and mid tier)<br /><br /> Poster Message:
As people in the Greek community, we have a responsibility to keep it alive. As we move forward into the future, outdated thought processes and lack of accountability will only bring us down further. The reality of the situation is that each house’s long legacy is going to die out if changes aren’t made. Recruitment numbers are going down. The reputation of Greek life is getting worse. I don’t want to tell anyone how to run their chapter, that’s not my place to do, but I hope that fraternities and sororities will take action to prevent problems with assault, excessive hazing, racism, and other issues. I’m not going to call out any house specifically, because I feel like each one can benefit from this message, but if you know your house has issues like this, please work to make a change.
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