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I don't see them being number 1 soon but maybe in next 2-3 years if they keep the house and maintain their numbers which they shouldn't have a problem as long as they don't get kicked off. 4) Kappa Sig -Throws killer parties, nice house, good location, somewhat involved and they are generally cool dudes. They also have a good amount of brothers. This is definitely a top 5 fraternity no doubt, regardless of what you other people say. 5) Chi Psi -throws nice parties but it's pretty much guest list only. This is smart by these guys, it really gives them class. But it sucks for people who don't know anyone in this fraternity. Maybe you should get to know other people in greek life? Anyway, they probably did it this way to avoid stuff getting broken in their house. Smart imo. Definitely a top 5. 6) Sig Chi -don't know too much except im friends with one of these guys and he's really chill. They have good parties but I heard that a lot of people don't like them. Idk why. Don't really see them being douchey really. I'd definitely give them spot 6 though. 7) Phi Psi -lettered house but they aren't really doing much. Don't really see them around and don't hear too much about social events or involvement, nor parties. I'd say check em out though and give these guys top 10 for sure. Maybe 7 isn't the best spot but they are definitely top 10, not top 5. 8) Phi Delts -really cool dudes. really no weirdos and a lot of them are athletic. Involved and part of social events. Good parties
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