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Poster Name:
Another SEC/UF mother

Poster Message:
Is there a chapter at UF where your daughter will build friendships for life? Probably if you encourage her to LOOK at each chapter with an open mind, LISTEN to what each chapter has to offer her, THINK about where she will be most happy, SEE what she has to offer the chapter and THROW away the stereotypes, the rankings of the tier system on this site (and others like it), and any preconceived notions she/you/others have of where she should be. FOLLOW the process from start to finish even if that means after round 1 she only goes back to less than 5 chapters or the chapter she had her heart set on had to release her due to return figures. Support, encourage and be there for your daughter whether she chooses to become part of the UF Greek system or remains independent and finds her own niche.
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