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Poster Name:
Annoyed UF Alumna

Poster Message:
Hi everyone, I am a fairly recent UF alumna and just needed to put my 2 cents in. During my time at UF, I was a member of the Panhellenic Council (the group of women responsible for holding formal recruitment each year). It saddens me that so many of you are carrying such frustration and anger about a process that truly intends to place women in their "home away from home," but UF is an SEC school, meaning a school that holds sorority recruitment to the highest standard. While I'm sure all of your daughters are incredible women, recruitment is a daunting and EXHAUSTING process. 10-15 minutes at all 16 chapters during round 1 is no easy feat, and for PNMs sitting in the 100+ degree heat all day, having to then come inside and talk to a well-primped (and well-air conditioned) sorority woman is not an easy task. Ultimately, the women in these chapters know who will be a good fit for their chapter, and I'm saying that in the least cliched way possible. What good is joining a "top house" if you'll simply be miserable there? One final (less kind) comment, as a member of the PC during recruitment, we used to get quite a few calls from angry mothers who demanded we explain why their daughter had been released from recruitment. We mocked these calls to no end. Moms, your daughters are adults, capable of making their own decisions and fighting their own battles. UF is an incredible school with plenty of other amazing student orgs. Let her find her niche on her own.
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