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Listen...a lot of bashing on here is probably the efforts of a very few. The majority of classy Greeks are really good to each other despite the letters they wear. There are so many girls who are friends with other girls in other sororities, empower each other and make a real difference on campus and in the community. Every sorority has their standouts. Every single one. Every sorority has beautiful girls and some girls who maybe aren't considered beautiful by physical traits but are definitely beautiful people. Every sorority has those who want just the social aspects of the sorority and don't really embody the essence of the true sorority girl. Education, training, coaching and exposure helps. Every sorority has wonderful leadership and an overall positive and caring nature. But, on here...anonymously and sometimes very cruelly, mean-spirited comments to make girls feel less than worthy, interesting, beautiful and effective and set the course for stereotyping. I am on Panhel and I have to say it is a disgrace. I hear so many people talk about this site and it is meaningless. What matters is what you do personally. What you contribute. What you put out there. Be confident. Be happy. Be kind. You all are rockin' baes!
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