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Phi Psi is very flashy with their money, and in no way would you consider then humble. They're really fun, and dressy classy but at the end of the day they have a poor brotherhood and will let everyone in because more members equals more dues, and money is what they like. TKE is very athletic, and not a stereotypical fraternity. They're a very northern version of greek life, not gentlemen but rage really hard. It more likely you'll see them wearing a lax pinny than Brooks Brothers. But they have a fairly good brotherhood. SigChi is not "top tier" anymore, while they have the reputation of being "top tier" at OSU theyve really fallen because of the membership review, and they're doing really poorly at rebuilding. Honestly go where you like the brotherhood and the atmosphere because chapters at OSU are constantly rising and falling, and for whatever reason the administration for the Greek system is really gunning for the "top tier" fraternities. You'd be happier in the long run joining a brotherhood that you like than one you're possibly unhappy with and then being kicked off and getting way less out of it. If the top tier had more than two options and you wanted the lifestyle I'd say "Go for it!" but you choices are really limited right now.
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