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It's definitely possible to be friends with people outside of your sorority! I don't know a single person in Greek life who isn't friends with a lot of people outside of the Greek system. It's even easier for you because you're in Tisch and will probably be spending tons of time with non-Greek people. That's something you definitely don't have to worry about. As for the time commitment, it depends on which sorority you get into but there are plenty of people juggling part-time jobs, internships, heavy courseloads, and other clubs while staying active in Greek life. Typically there's one meeting a week (called chapter), and you're allowed to miss it if you need to study or have some other excuse. Nobody will care. Everyone at NYU knows that academics come first. You can pick and choose which Greek events to go to so the time commitment is really whatever you want it to be, as long as you show up to the few "mandatory" events a semester (there's like three or four of them for most sororities I'd say, and you can only skip them with legitimate excuses like illness or class).
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