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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />I rlly need advice here...<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Hey guys, I'm wondering if I could get advice on how to proceed with this. my sorority is nice and I feel like I'd like to connect with the girls more, the only problem is I kinda feel like an outcast bc first semester i struggled alot with mental health and barely went to any of the meetings/occassional chapter meetings/meals, second semester I tried to fixed things and started off strong but around march I was feeling v overwhelmed and depressed because I hated my roomate and dorm and didn't have energy to do things. I just feel like at this point for next year it would be awkward to try to reconnect or too late to restore bonds and everyone in the sorority would view me as the girl who never went last year whic is a shame bc I felt like there was such potential, a lot of the girls were very nice and had great personalities but I feel like i was starting to get the cold shoulder once i stopped attending meetings. idrk what to do at this point whether to drop or just show up better for next year, I feel like Ive ruined my chances to make friends here :/
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