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Yeah on the KS and DX note: as cool as it is that they both have pretty sweet houses and throw grand parties, as stated not only will they haze terribly, but additionally, their size will decrease because with being underground comes the fact that they really aren't helping anyone long-term (DX getting 2 pledges last semester and KS has like 30 brothers..both not winning numbers in my mind). So, if you are PURELY joining a fraternity for the parties and alcohol, go for it - join them, but not only will your parents most likely disagree with your choices, you'll have thrown a lot of money at a big blackout for 4 years. Which is awesome in its own right, but you can do that in legit fraternities and still come away with good connections, friends, and such as well. And as great as SX is, they also had the whole BS go down this past spring/early summer; so, I'd just suggest being wary of rushing them at the moment until things settle down for them - though it will probably mean they will lower their standards for bids, which could mean a better chance you get in.
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