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It depends

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Going off what you said about new frats, the reward can be great in the long run, but it honestly depends on the fraternity. - Delta Sig has been on this campus for sometime now and they have been getting more and more relevant as each semester goes by. Good group of guys. - DU started two years ago but they have been on the rise ever since a year ago. I don't know about their "non-secret" thing, sounds weird considering being in a frat is being secret, but the brothers are a lot nicer than other frats. - Alpha Sig is over a year old and is still new/small, but it might be a good fit for some guys out there. Who knows. - DTD is the newest frat. I can't say much about them, I just know they are struggling with having consistent mixers/events since they don't have a frat house last year. Might change this year. - I literally have no idea about anything with the engineering frat, Sigma Phi Delta, other than they have a group of guys no bigger than Alpha Sig. Apparently they just got their charter several months back. Who knew.
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