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Let me just say that I don't necessarily agree with rankings.. you have every kind of girl in every sorority however what I'm about to say is the general consensus. If you're looking for a pretty girl sorority, there are specific ones that have that rep, but if you're looking for chill girls, same goes. Therefore, there shouldn't be rankings because there's no 1 or 2 or even 3 sorority that has ALL really pretty girls that are ALL super nice. Yeah, there's rankings in the prettiest, the nicest, etc. but there isn't an overall ranking in my opinion.. It's personal preference. -Delta Gamma: DG is known as what the general consensus view as the typical sorority girl.. the blonde barbie dolls that are extremely superficial and narcissistic but very beautiful. There is no denying that they are all extremely gorgeous girls, however there is not much in the personality department. They are all friends with only other DG's because they think they are above the other sororities; they are the mean, popular girls in high school that everyone secretly hates but wants to be. -Pi Beta Phi: I actually do not know why Pi Phi is considered equal to DG or A Phi or whatever. All sororities are on a different playing field. Looks-wise, Pi Phi has nothing on DG and even APhi, Theta, Kappa, etc. However, they are all really chill girls who love to party and have a good time. I really haven't seen their newest pledge class out much, they seem kinda boring but still really nice.
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